Clingmans Dome (State High Point), Sevier County TN
View Clingmans Dome (State High Point) Topographic Map
Latitude: 35.5628721°N
Longitude: -83.4984961°W
Approx Elevation: 6,643 ft (2,025 m)
Topo Map Name: Clingmans Dome
Category: Summits
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Clingmans Dome holds some high honors – it is the State of Tennessee’s high point, it is the highest peak in the Great Smoky Mountains, and also, the highest point that thru-hikers have to ascend on the 2,174-mile Appalachian Trail. The peak falls within Great Smoky Mountains National Park and is the most accessible peak in the park. There is a road that takes you within 300 feet of the summit (Clingmans Dome Road) but it is only open during the summer and early fall. In the winter, your only option is hiking a 7.5-mile section of the Appalachian Trail that weaves from Newfound Gap to the summit of Clingmans Dome. If you make it to the summit, don’t miss the observations tower’s panoramic views to get the best perspectives in the Smokies.
Map and location information for Clingmans Dome (State High Point) in Tennessee: Clingmans Dome (State High Point) is one of the Summits in Sevier County, TN and can be found on the Clingmans Dome USGS topographic quad map. The GPS coordinates are 35.5628721 (latitude), -83.4984961 (longitude) and the approximate elevation is 6,643 feet (2,025 meters) above sea level. Have you been to Tennessee's Clingmans Dome (State High Point) before? If so, we ask that you post a quick review of it below. Tell us the time of year, what your goal was, and how your trip went. Thanks for sharing your experience at Clingmans Dome (State High Point)!