Rewarded for the Climb: Reflections of a Skier’s Spirit
A wild view rewards the climber who summits iconic Whitehorse Mountain. Three Fingers and the surrounding slopes shine with fresh snow in the sharp mid-winter light – an invitation for the ambitious. Darrington, WA
Beau Fredlund carves his signature turn through seracs on the upper Tasman Glacier in the Southern Alps of New Zealand. The long approach to this skier’s paradise made every turn enjoyable, but these few effortless turns through spring corn snow were unforgettable. Southern Alps, New Zealand
Shaking off the light clouds of a passing cold front, Mt. Rainier reveals its snow covered slopes that will keep a ski mountaineer busy for a lifetime. Chinook Pass, WA
First tracks in Naches Peak west bowl after wind helped clean the slate overnight. Kate Hourihan blasts a strong statement against the usual short wiggle turn. Chinook Pass, WA
Kate Hourihan and Doug Hutchinson navigate the mellow slopes of Spider Gap, just east of the crest in the Cascade Range. High and low pressure battle for atmospheric rights in the Glacier Peak Wilderness.
Kate Hourihan finds her way through thick clouds and lines up a couple visible turns on Parker Ridge. Icefields Parkway, Alberta
Doug Hutchinson demonstrates the art of GPS navigation during the first half of the Forbidden Tour of the North Cascades. Successful white-out navigation is one of the most satisfying feelings when executed properly.
Returning to camp on the Boston Glacier, Doug Hutchinson reflects on the day’s climb and ski of the north face of Mt. Buckner and contemplates the day’s challenge of navigating the Boston Glacier to Moraine Lake.
Finding icy slopes at the summit of Mt. Buckner during the Forbidden Tour, Doug Hutchinson keeps 3 points on while he traverses above the north couloir.
Beau Fredlund winds up for his next jump turn while skiing in the northwest couloir of the north summit of Barronette Peak in Yellowstone National Park. This was the warm up run of the day, with the main event on the horizon: a descent of the north summit’s east face. Absaroka Mountains, Montana
Window shopping for ski routes as we drove up the Icefields Parkway of Alberta for the first time. My skier’s mind and camera were working overtime. This is one of the most incredible roads I’ve had the privilege of driving, complete with glaciers that nearly spill out in front of your car. Most famous as a mecca for ice climbers, the parkway has many ski opportunities when snow and avalanche conditions align.