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2000 Antarctic Peninsula Climb and Ski/Snowboard Expedition 2000 Antarctic Peninsula Climb and Ski/Snowboard Expedition 2000 Antarctic Peninsula Climb and Ski/Snowboard Expedition
2000 Antarctic Peninsula Climb and Ski/Snowboard Expedition 2000 Antarctic Peninsula Climb and Ski/Snowboard Expedition
2000 Antarctic Peninsula Climb and Ski/Snowboard Expedition 2000 Antarctic Peninsula Climb and Ski/Snowboard Expedition
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Expedition Dispatches

Drake Lake
Wednesday, February 23, 2000

The Team's Call from the Antarctic Peninsula
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Hey, this is Dave Hahn, giving a guest dispatch here. I'm on the stern of the Akademik Shuleykin. It's dark at night in the Drake Passage — out in about the middle of it. Today it was the Drake Lake; it was smooth as anything. The ship's just barely rocking so not too many people vomiting here on this boat today. Everybody's feeling good, everybody's really in high spirits.

We finished with such a nice day, such a nice run of days, not great weather until the end but that end sure puts a smile on our faces. Things are going real well. Today we did the 8 rising, did a big old brunch at about 11:30. It was great; we slept in. We gave each other lectures and slide shows, we played chess, we played poker, we played, oh what else did we play? We watched movies — we had a good time. There wasn't a whole lot to see up on the bridge today, it was just smooth ocean. Last night we saw the fabled...[transmission fails].

Dave Hahn, Correspondent


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