
Lowe Interview
Lowe Video Tribute

Editor's Note: Dave Hahn, whose eloquent dispatches from the slopes of Everest the past two seasons have earned him a worldwide following, has joined as a regular columnist. Hahn, who works ski patrol in Taos, routinely guides on Mount Everest, Antarctica's Vinson Massif, and the Cascades' Mount Rainier, will write about his life in the mountains.

Glacial Greetings
Jan. 7, 2000

Hahn's third column, written on Dec. 31 as he sits alone in his tent in Vinson base..."I'm in a place where time seems a little arbitrary, where one day becomes the next without the moon and stars intervening. A book lover's dream – it never gets too dark to read at Vinson Base Camp on the Branscomb Glacier in Antarctica..."

Reflections on Mallory & Irvine
Nov. 19, 1999

Hahn's second column describes his experiences both during and after the famed Mallory & Irvine expedition to Everest this spring, including his nearly three months guiding on Rainier, his 20th high school reunion and his months on the ice in Antarctica...

Climbing with Alex Lowe
Oct. 15, 1999

Hahn's first column tells the story of last winter's adventure to Antarctica, where he was joined for a few days by Alex Lowe, Conrad Anker and Gordon Wiltsie for an ascent of Mount Tyree, which rises out of the Patton Glacier a few miles from Vinson.

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