Kibbie Hill, St. Clair County MO
View Kibbie Hill Topographic Map
Latitude: 38.0514188°N
Longitude: -93.8416026°W
Approx Elevation: 883 ft (269 m)
Topo Map Name: Monegaw Springs
Category: Summits
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Map and location information for Kibbie Hill in Missouri: Kibbie Hill is one of the Summits in St. Clair County, MO and can be found on the Monegaw Springs USGS topographic quad map. The GPS coordinates are 38.0514188 (latitude), -93.8416026 (longitude) and the approximate elevation is 883 feet (269 meters) above sea level. Have you been to Missouri's Kibbie Hill before? If so, we ask that you post a quick review of it below. Tell us the time of year, what your goal was, and how your trip went. Thanks for sharing your experience at Kibbie Hill!