Mount Shasta, Siskiyou County CA
View Mount Shasta Topographic Map
Latitude: 41.4093201°N
Longitude: -122.195009°W
Approx Elevation: 14,162 ft (4,317 m)
Topo Map Name: Mount Shasta
Category: Summits
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Mt. Shasta is one of the largest volcanoes in the lower 48. Although Shasta is in Northern California, its presence can be felt well into Southern Oregon. Climbers and skiers flock to this 14,162-foot behemoth every year during the season to attempt the rather treacherous summit. Shasta Lake flanks the southern foothills of the peak and provides most of the water for Northern California and the Sacramento Valley along with the perfect spot for spring-breaking on a houseboat. The mountain is also shrouded in mystery and paranormal pseudoscience, with some claiming Sasquatch lives inside the vast lava tube network along with other lost civilizations. Lenticular clouds usually hang over the peak, much like Mt. Rainier, and some see this as the mountain projecting its mysterious energy. Whatever you believe, Shasta is the peak to visit in Northern California and a dream for climbers looking to gain some elevation on the West Coast.
Map and location information for Mount Shasta in California: Mount Shasta is one of the Summits in Siskiyou County, CA and can be found on the Mount Shasta USGS topographic quad map. The GPS coordinates are 41.4093201 (latitude), -122.195009 (longitude) and the approximate elevation is 14,162 feet (4,317 meters) above sea level. Have you been to California's Mount Shasta before? If so, we ask that you post a quick review of it below. Tell us the time of year, what your goal was, and how your trip went. Thanks for sharing your experience at Mount Shasta!