Rafting the Rogue River in Oregon
Everything about the Rogue looks amazing
The Rogue River is located in southwestern Oregon and flows between Crater Lake and the Pacific Ocean. It was designated as one of the 8 rivers included in the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968. The main attraction for boaters is a 34 mile stretch between the Grave Creek put-in and the take-out at Foster bar. This section is class III to IV, with one of the biggest rapids occurring shortly after the put-in. Rainie Falls is a large drop that is class V if you run the main waterfall, or a class III if you take the channel on river right. Blossom Bar is another big rapid (class IV) that can wrap a boat if the rower isn’t careful. The Rogue is known for its salmon and steelhead fishing and wildlife viewing. Most people float the Rogue in 3-4 days throughout the summer. The river is dam controlled, so it is floatable well into the fall.
Permits for the Rogue are controlled through a lottery. For dates, location, and more info check out our Permit Lottery for Rafting Western Rivers 2017 Guide.