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No Man's Land
Radical Films
Running Time:
45 minutes

We begin on a note of overkill. I pretend not to understand, but grow ever more distressed. Veteran Bonnie Wiegele makes you smile, but didn't she make the same p-power point? Shannon Dunn takes to the screen with a smile and a slash. Ahhhh familiarity, Tina B enters the mix, niceness... serenity.

Unfortunately, the groove can't last and we are again broken up into individual explanations of feminine power.

The continual barrage of self empowerment diminishes the power and emotion they hold individually. The reinforcement of the point forces the questioning of the repetitive basis. The excitement and emotion of the individual is lost in the crowd of feverish cult-like fanaticism. The point made for the tenth time is one-tenth as powerful as it was upon its incarnation. Are you getting my point? Can you see where this is going. Tell me when it gets unbearable. It happens faster than you could imagine in this chick flick. Oh...did I mention the ever trendy MTV-drunk camera angles during these head shot interviews?

"Yes even the fluid flow of Ol' Bonnie Wiegele. She may be old, but she's still got the moves. I bet she Lambadas like you read about in Latin Lovers Magazine...."

The riding cinematography almost makes up for the continually poor narration. Nothing is lost from the ski to board sequences and I could easily appreciate all. Yes, even the fluid flow of Ol' Bonnie Wiegele. She may be old, but she's still got the moves. I bet she Lambadas like you read about in Latin Lovers Magazine.

When segments got slow, you knew something had to change and just pray it's not your favorite betty boarder being asked the same question as the 12 before because it cheapens her answer. Thank little baby Jesus they didn't do that to Tina or somebody would be getting a very upset e-mail from a certain insecure writer hiding behind a computer screen...

A couple times we were blessed with transitions that blasted us through nice sluff surfing survivals and Morgan LaFonte's double back step above. Alison Gannett wins for best technical steep riding variation award. do I put this...if you, like my "friend", have a poster of Victoria (or any ripper in this movie) on your ceiling adorned with prayer flags or have a Styrofoam likeness of her that "he" takes to lunch daily, then you'll find yourself with a sore wrist and a wore down rewind like my "friend."

Or if you put on your favorite music and enjoy the cinematography, it's a high quality girly movie.

— Hans Prosl, Mountain Zone Staff
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