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Alpine Ascents International  Millennium Aconcagua Climb

Atop Aconcagua
Wednesday, January 26, 2000

Hear Willi's Call from Aconcagua
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Hello, this is Willi Prittie calling from Argentina, the Alpine Ascents International Aconcagua program. I'd just like to inform everybody that we're actually, at this moment, the entire party, sitting on the summit of Aconcagua. Hey! [Cheers in background.]

We made very good time. The first contingent hit the summit at six hours and the second at about seven hours. Weather is very, very nice today, almost totally windless; it is kind of socked in with clouds and a little bit of light snow blowing, so lots of sun coming in now. So, we're very, very much enjoying this. We also wanted to give a special 'hello' to Alexis Hamilton at Westlake High School — and, according to Frank, one of the neatest kids. Also, I am going to pass the phone over to Gert, our Norwegian contingent:

Gert Munthe
[Gert sends a message in Norwegian]... This message for all Norewgian speaking...[Unintelligible].

Willi Prittie
And that should give the folks at the Mountain Zone all kinds of trouble to translate. At any rate, we've had a wonderful climb, everybody is definitely a little...[Unintelligible]...we'll be looking forward to getting down towards that thicker air at Base Camp here in the very next few days. And I'll be calling back with some other updates as other things transpire.

Alpine Ascents Guide Willi Prittie, Correspondent


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