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Above the Smoke
Team 8: 11,200 Feet - Tuesday, June 18, 2002


Hello Mountain Zoners, this is Vern Tejas with Alpine Ascents. This is the Dalai Lama group.

We have now moved our campsite 11,200 feet above sea level, on the west Buttress. And talk about the views, we finally got above the smoke. There's a huge forest fire to the northwest blowing smoke up onto the mountain; we've been smelling it, we've been breathing it, we've been walking through it, we've been cutting it with a knife it's so thick. But fortunately the wind has shifted and we are above the smoke now so that's a wonderful thing.

"We got up at 3 o'clock to hit the early-morning snow and we had a crust that we could walk right on top of which makes sled pulling so much easier..."

Another wonderful thing is the fact that we got up early today and we were able to use the crust. We got up at 3 o'clock to hit the early-morning snow and we had a crust that we could walk right on top of which makes sled pulling so much easier than breaking through to your knees.

Marty Raney is not working on this trip as my co-guide, but John Colver, a Scottish gentleman, who just happens to have a very weird sense of humor just like me so it's working out real well, we're having a great time.

The other thing I'd like to do right now is introduce you to our group, you probably have not got to meet them yet. We have Nell, he's a photographer from Chicago and he's having just the time of his life.

We also have Rob who is ever, ever so helpful and is making this a really pleasurable trip. We also have the one and only Big Joe. Big Joe from New York City. Joe is a stand-up comedian who likes to sit down. We also have, for your dining pleasure, Gary. Gary weaver from San Antonio, Texas, who's been on three of my trips now and he's having a great time, along with Mike. Magic Mike who has been setting up camp for us as we have dropped back and picked up our cache which was at 9,700 feet. And then last but not least, there is Dolly, who we are actually named ourselves after, the Dalai Lamas. We have all now shaved our heads, you can't hardly believe it but we've been putting a lot of sunscreen on so we shouldn't get sunburned.

Ahhhh....well so it is here on Denali. We'll probably not be able to talk to you for a few days, but when we hit Windy Corner, we'll try again. So keep your prayers coming and your good thoughts, we sure appreciate that.

Happy Birthday to Greg in Portland. Happy Anniversary to Dolly's parents and hello to mom and dad from Rob and hello to Cindy Lee, so if you're out there, just enjoy the fact that we're thinking about you up here on the mountain. And hello to Anna, and Beth and Willa, and Greg, and Nana, and Dolly is just going to smile that Cheshire smile she's so good at. So ciao for now, we'll catch you on the flip-flop. Bye fans.

Vern Tejas, Alpine Ascents International Guide and Correspondent