Pre-Race // News // 02 AUG 00

Letter from Mark Burnett // 02 AUG 00

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[Editor's note: Mark Burnett, creator of the television hit, 'Survivor,' founded the Eco-Challenge in 1992; the first race was held in 1995. As race director, he is currently on-course in Sabah. Here, we present a series of his pre-race letters, which were distributed to all Eco-Challenge competitors.]

Dear Competitors,

The Race Coordination Team has spent the last few weeks making final adjustments to the race course and have passed on some recommendations which are included in this newsletter for you. The weather has been favorable in Kota Kinabalu with a few seasonal tropical thunderstorms and an average daily temperature of 31c.

We have moved the start of the race one day earlier. The race will now start on Sunday, August 20. This does not affect any of the pre-race events and you will receive a schedule of events in your Registration Pack on August 16 and 17. The Race Cutoff Date is still midnight, September 1 and the Closing Ceremony and Awards Party is still the evening of September 2.

I recently informed you via an email update that there will be only one food re-supply during the race. This means that you must leave the starting line with all of the food you need for the first half of the race (you will be told the distance). You will have access to your food at only one point during the race. There will be additional opportunities to access your equipment for transitions and we will give you instructions on how to prepare for this BEFORE the race starts.

We will be distributing the course maps and Competitor Guidebook in sections this year. We will distribute the first instructions and information on Saturday, August 19 at the Race Briefing. Complete instructions on equipment preparation and distance to travel until the food re-supply will be disclosed at this time.

I hope you have taken my advice to train for paddling long distances seriously. We have an incredible race experience prepared for you that takes you into some of the most remote areas of Borneo while still making it possible to find your way out again safely.

It has been extremely clear from the many emails we received from teams over the last month that more than half of you see this as an expeditionary experience versus a pure competition. I am very happy with this fact and know that we will provide you with a true Sabah experience.

It is extremely likely that on this course you will see elephants, primates, incredible birds and various small mammals native to the area. It is unlikely that you will see the rare rhino or king cobra but they are absolutely there and if any of you get a rare glimpse, it is a memory you will have for the rest of your life. This is deep, untouched primal jungle. The valley is virgin terrain and as such you MUST respect this area. You CANNOT leave one piece of trash whatsoever.

New teams, we welcome you to the race in Sabah and I want to remind you once again that I expect you to arrive prepared to make intelligent, rational race decisions under pressure. Do not underestimate Eco-Challenge.

See you in two weeks,

Mark Burnett

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