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Get the most out of's digital sports coverage.

FLASH   Flash
Dramatically improves your experience at by enabling animations and other exciting multimedia presentations at lightning-quick speeds.

Get Flash now. And don't worry, it's free.

Delivers up-to-the-minute streaming audio and video directly from the racetrack, ocean, mountains, or stadium.

Get RealPlayer now and start benefiting from the power of cutting-edge Internet technology. It's just as free as Flash. And just as easy to install and use. You may download either the enhanced Real Player Plus for $30.00 or the Real Player Basic which RealNetworks distributes free.

QUICKTIME  Quicktime
Brings the excitement of digital video technology to your computer, allowing you to quickly download and view powerful video and multimedia presentations. Guess what? It's free too. You have absolutely nothing to lose.

Get Quicktime now and get the most out of's digital sports coverage.

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