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Alpine Ascents International  Millennium Aconcagua Climb

Wrap Up from Willi
Thursday, February 3, 2000

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Hello, this is Willi Prittie with, probably, a final report from Argentina. We've had some trouble hooking up here on the Iridium system, it had a little bit of difficulty getting a satellite signal for some reason. At any rate, the remainder of our walkout went really good. We had really nice weather [Unintelligible] conditions again. We slipped out last night to go stargazing and the last night out was a very, very interesting display all day long and also all night of moving serious clouds. We're thinking that perhaps the people up on the mountain are experiencing a period of very bad weather now.

At any rate, we're glad that we're down. Temperature in the low 90s here in Mendoza, very warm. We've been enjoying steak for lunch, steak for dinner, consuming numerous quantities of beers and also red wines to celebrate our return back here to civilization. Actually, today, Mark boarded a plane and flew home. So that pretty much [Unintelligible] very happy ending for a very successful expedition, for all involved — certainly, Mark, congratulations for him for the Polish Direct route, once again.

Now I get to veg for a few days before I start purchasing groceries and supplies to begin outfitting my next expedition, which arrives here in Mendoza on about the 12th of February. So, that's all for this expedition. It's been great talking to all you folks through the internet at the Mountain Zone and, hopefully, you've enjoyed following us as much as we've been enjoying the expedition itself. So, that's all for now.

Alpine Ascents Guide Willi Prittie, Correspondent


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