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Alpine Ascents International  Millennium Aconcagua Climb

Champagne Toasts
Sunday, January 30, 2000

Hear Willi's Call from Aconcagua
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Hello everybody on Mountain Zone, this is Willi Prittie calling in from the Alpine Ascents International Aconcagua program yet again. We are down enjoying a much-deserved rest day at Base Camp, pretty much just vegging and doing nothing, and eating and drinking, and recovering from our double summit that Mark and I did. We had, actually, a very, very nice breakfast of scrambled eggs and vegetables, along with French toast and real maple syrup this morning and we'll be having fresh cooked pizza tonight, along with champagne and cheesecake to kind of solidify the celebration for having summitted the Polish Glacier — both Mark and I.

So today has been just a real casual, low-key day for us, recovering, and we'll be doing some packing tomorrow morning and head on up to the...[Unintelligible]...a lot to do. And even though the food there is much, much better at Base Camp and we're very much enjoying it...[Unintelligible]...and to enjoy when we get back to Mendoza. I'll keep you posted on how things go on the very end of this trip. I also do want to say that another Alpine Ascents group summitted this afternoon on Aconcagua led by Pat Timson and assisted by Brett Wolf and Ellie Henke and definitely congratulations to them. They had a little bit of rough weather up high, at 19.2 camp, but they managed to endure that and succeeded very well on the summit. So, a big congratulations to them as well.

We'll be talking to you again, in the last few days of this expedition, and we'll let you know how the fresh pots of Mendoza are. So that's all from Argentina for now.

Alpine Ascents Guide Willi Prittie, Correspondent


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