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Alpine Ascents International  Millennium Aconcagua Climb

Great Day at the Office
Monday, January 24, 2000

Hear Willi's Call from Aconcagua
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Hello, this is Willi Prittie reporting from Argentina, again at 19,200 feet on Aconcagua. We're all taking a much needed rest and acclimation day, after all the hard, laborious, rocks yesterday. An absolutely gorgeous day, here at Camp III, at 19.2. Virtually no wind, an occasional, little east wind gust, but it is very nice, warm and sunny. A very nice day to be here, Monday, at the office, right? Right now, I am going to hand the phone over to Frank, here, who has a few words.

Frank Hutchinson
...I'm wishing you a happy 24th anniversary. I can still remember the first day that we met. And Aubrey and Grant, I miss you terribly and love you. Thank you.

Willi Prittie
All right, a message from Frank at 19,000 feet, on Aconcagua. There's about six other expeditions in all, hanging out, at this point, at the mountain...[transmission fails].

Alpine Ascents Guide Willi Prittie, Correspondent


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