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Alpine Ascents International  Millennium Aconcagua Climb

Looking Forward to Move Up
Wednesday, January 19, 2000

Hear Willi's Call from Aconcagua
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Hello, this is Willi Prittie reporting from Argentina. We had another rest and acclimation day in Base Camp today; enjoyed beautiful weather yet again — very warm and sunny with light breezes blowing today is all.

So we spent the day kind of enjoying the weather, recovering and continuing to acclimate for the push up the mountain. We started the day out having some really nice buckwheat pancakes with maple syrup on top; continued eating our way through several soups and stews during the course of the day and finished up with homemade spaghetti and sauce, and chocolate peanut butter cake for dessert tonight.

That was interspersed by several rather vicious rounds of hearts and spades in the tent in between going in and out enjoying things, doing laundry, getting some sponge baths, etc.,.

So we're pretty well rested up and the acclimation is doing really well. Definitely looking forward to heading up the mountain first thing tomorrow morning. And we'll actually be doing a move up to Camp I at 16,100 feet and we're still keeping our fingers crossed...that beautiful weather that we've....[Transmission Fails]

Alpine Ascents Guide Willi Prittie, Correspondent


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