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Spie Pharmanex Back in Control
Wednesday, April 19, 2000

After pushing beyond any normal limits for the past 24 hours, the international team of Spie Pharmanex made it clear tonight why it came into this race heavily favored. After an all-night hike through the forested valleys of the Brazilian region, the team climbed a high ridge to CP14 where, at two in the morning, it then rappelled down a 100-meter waterfall to continue the team's quest for the finish line within one week's time.

Elf 2000
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Tuesday night saw this team of experienced racers catch, then pass, the rival FujiFilm team in an audacious display of endurance. Teams were expected to make the journey from CP12 to CP13 in 12 hours, and that's just what Spie Pharmanex did — only the team did it five hours faster than it's closest chaser, Team Paul Vatine (69).

None of the other six leading teams could match the leader's pace, as it was suspected that Spie Pharmanex forewent sleep all night to distance themselves from the field. But Spie Pharmanex's lead narrowed during Wednesday, down to approximately 3.5 hours when it and Team Paul Vatine arrived at CP17 in the afternoon.

Meanwhile, further back, the second wave of adventure-class teams moved through the valley into CP13 and CP14 atop a high ridge, but afternoon rains prevented most from going down the spectacular waterfall rappel below CP14, due to swollen streams. Teams therefore walked down the "escalades" or ladders to the bottom of the waterfall, continuing toward HQ3 throughout Wednesday night. At this writing, the leading team of Spie Pharmanex was expected to come into this CP19 at HQ3 late Wednesday night. Team Spie Pharmanex will then transition from foot to mountain bike, heading off for a 175-km mountain bike ride, heading back toward the coast and awaiting sea kayaks.

Behind 2nd-place Paul Vatine, FujiFilm continues in 3rd position, still within striking distance of the lead, as racing promises to speed up to a breakneck pace on Thursday.

Elf Authentic Adventure Correspondent


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