The first person we met when we arrived was Jim, who had summitted Mustagh Ata the day before! He had decided to go for it, as he wasn't sure if the weather would hold up. So he had left at 5:45am and gone straight to the top. Man, were we in awe of that guy.
In Camp 2 we also met up with the Kiwi/UK/South African team of Kevin, Nigel, and Brett. They had come up to Camp 2 in Concorde fashion and were enjoying a day of rest. I also talked to Jorge from Spain, who arguably is the fastest climber to have ever set foot on Mustagh Ata; a flyweight on Ferrari engines, the guy went from Camp 1 to Camp 2 in 1 hour and 54 minutes, whereas it takes the average person four to eight hours! Still, he thought WE were crazy trying to get our bikes up this mountain!
All in all, Jorge went from Camp 1 to Camp 2 an incredible four times, just for the fun of it, and because he had to wait for the rest of his team to get there! I talked him into trying to climb from Base Camp to the top in one day later on that week, but don't know if he ever made it, as the weather got worse after we left Mustagh Ata. Jorge, if you read this, let me know how you did.
We also encountered another phenomenon, by the name of Hans, "Crazy Hans" as we impolitely nicknamed him, is a 60-year-old Austrian with the body of an ox and the foreign language skills of a Christmas turkey on December 26.
On August 9, the rest of our team arrived in Camp 2. Martin, Stijn and Peter arrived early in the afternoon after spending the night a mere 100 meters below. Not trying to bridge that last stretch in dark and dangerous conditions was another example of how careful we were, and of the respect we felt for the mountain.