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Suiting Up Under Blue Skies
Tuesday, June 22, 1999 — 1:31am (PST)

Willi Prittie Climbing Guide for Alpine Ascents International

Hello Mountain Zone, this is Willi Prittie reporting from Greenland. Hello from the Great White North of a different type. My GPS tells me position: 68deg; 54.5 minutes north, 29deg; 50.54 minutes west, but that don't matter. All I know is that we're in one of the most awesome [unintelligible], and we have clearing conditions today! Yes!

After about 24 hours of ground blizzards and [unintelligible] heavy snow out here, we're waking up to beautiful skies, very low pressure right now, but so far in the past, that has seemed to indicate maybe better conditions, as strange as it may seem. So we're all suiting up here and having some breakfast under blue sky, light winds, and [unintelligible]. And we're going to at least make an initial foray towards Gunnbjornsfjeld today and see how things go.

Definitely much appreciated to see this blue sky after being confined to your tent for umteen hours in here. Even if it was Wally in the tent, you can only do that so long if you're a person like I am in the sleeping bag. And we'll give you guys an update as things unfold and transpire today. So long for now.

Alpine Ascents Guide Willi Prittie, Correspondent


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