Pre-Race // Features // Snakes // 13 AUG 00

More than 160 species of snakes live in Borneo.
Several types could be dangerous or even life-threatening to Eco-Challenge competitors, including sea snakes, cobras, kraits, coral snakes and vipers.

Some examples of common poisonous snakes in the immediate vicinity of the Eco-Challenge include:

Banded Krait: This is t
lives in forested are
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he nocturnal cousin of the King Cobra, and primarily  
as, but can be found on the coast. They are known for
diate area of rats, and are considered good luck when
ng quarters. However, it's not good luck to be bitten
by one, since their venom is deadly.

  Yellow-Lipped Sea Krait: Common on small coastal
   outcrops or islands; They are amphibious and possess a
  venom with a similar toxicity to that of the cobra, but they
o not show the same aggressive behavior, especially on
nd. While there are no current records of human bites by
species they should be regarded with caution, as an
ter could prove fatal.

King Cobra: Some can grow up to six meters, but most found in Borneo do not grow
longer than four meters. Primarily a forest snake, king cobras have been known to hunt
in coastal regions as well. Their diet includes other snakes, but they also consume
monitor lizards. Their venom is deadly, and while they will not attack unless provoked,
they should be avoided at all costs. The blood of a Sumatran Cobra (the snake most
likely to be found in urban areas) is taken by the elderly with a glass of wine as a tonic
for arthritis.

Pythons: Pythons are not poisonous. They can reach up to six meters and their main
prey is the wild pig. They pose little threat to humans.

Other than snakes, Borneo's reptiles include tortoises, freshwater terrapins, sea turtles, crocodiles and many species of lizards ranging from slender gliding lizards to the water monitor which reaches a length of more than two meters.

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