Day 9 // News // 12:23 p.m. Borneo Time // 29 AUG 00

BAX Global: 'I'm Tired and Bitter'

Tensions rise on America`s Team BAX Global as one team member`s enthusiastic parents look on.

By David Thomsen, Quokka Sports

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Two devoted fans cheered and waved homemade signs as Team BAX Global (USA) [go to Team Bio] boarded their Perahu at PC 23. Onlookers are not rare at the Eco-Challenge, but 99 times out of 100, they're curious locals rather than actual acquaintances of the racers.

In this case, the spectators were mother and father of competitor Veronica Williams, a deeply tanned and powerful looking 29-year-old computer programmer. They had come all the way from San Diego, California, to see their daughter in action -- or rather, in pain.

"I wouldn't let her go this far without checking up on her," said Christina Guzman, Veronica's mother, as she unveiled a hand-painted banner the size of a doorframe.

As mom and dad looked on, Team BAX Global's complaints had a familiar ring -- but they were no less legitimate. "My feet are just bloody," said John Simko, a 26-year-old student from Huntington Beach, California. "We're barely alive," he said.

"Everybody wants a burrito, a beer and a margarita," said Williams. "It keeps us going, thinking about it. We're just trying to get this thing done."

But beyond the pain and suffering, a certain inter-team tension was evident as BAX Global readied their Perahu canoe beneath gray skies.

"I'm tired and bitter," said teammate Josh Williams, a 28-year-old financial analyst. Josh is also Veronica's husband.

While Josh waited at the boat, Veronica fumbled with her bags on the shore. "Let's get the hell out of here," he grumbled under his breath.

Veronica got into the boat as the team tried to pull it through the shallow water near the shore. "Honey! You have to get out of the boat!" ordered Josh.

Meanwhile, BAX Global team member Dennis Charney, a 35-year-old attorney, said little as he helped maneuver the Perahu. Showing little emotion, he quietly took his spot at the front of the boat.

"Go Team 47!" shouted Mrs. Guzman, waving her banner as she ran out on the jetty, following her daughter and son-in-law out to sea as far as she could.

And as Mr. and Mrs. Guzman cheered enthusiastically, the team paddled slowly away. Charney didn't appear to turn around or wave.

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