Death Valley Backcountry Hikes

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Check with a park ranger at the Visitor Center or at a Ranger Station before departing on the following trips. A backcountry registration form is not required, but is highly recommended for those hiking alone. At the very least, let someone know where you are going and your estimated time of return. In temperatures over 90 F, hiking can be especially hazardous. During hot spring, summer or fall months one gallon of water per person per day is the minimum you should carry. Many of the springs in Death Valley are either dry or have been contaminated by burros, so do not rely on them. Do not camp in drainages or washes. Camp at least two miles from a maintained road and 200 yards from water sources.

Only Telescope & Wildrose Peaks have maintained hiking trails. These are the only hikes recommended in summer due to the extreme heat at lower elevations. The rest of the suggested overnight hikes are cross-country routes. Mileages can be deceiving, so allow plenty of time for these trips. Purchase topographic maps at the Visitor Center.

Trail Map

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Hikes (See Map Above for Location)

1) Indian Pass

2) Daylight Pass to Titus Canyon Road

3) Titanothere Canyon

4) Fall Canyon

5) Bighorn Gorge

6) Cottonwood to Marble Canyon Loop

7) Jayhawker Canyon

8) Hanaupah Canyon

9) Hungry Bill's Ranch

10) Virgin Springs Canyon

11) Wildrose Peak

12) Telescope Peak

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