Eco-Challenge // Feature // GPS Action Tracker

Quokka GPS Action Tracker

Three teams are being tracked using a Global Positoning System device (GPS). This device allows us to follow their exact path as they navigate through the Eco-Challenge Sabah 2000 course. Flash is required to use this application. This tracker is graphic intensive. It will take time to download, so please be patient, the download will be worth the wait.
Note: To get the most out of this GPS Action Tracker, click on the different days listed at the top of the screen and then follow the path of all three teams for that day. After the data has loaded, small squares representing each of the three teams will appear on the map. The squares will then begin moving to show the exact GPS path of each team. You can zoom in on the map using the zoom function found on the bottom of the screen. When the image is enlarged, click and drag the image around to view different sections of the image and to get a closer view of the teams' path. Additional help instructions can be found by clicking on the grey box found at the bottom of the screen.

Go to Quokka GPS Action Tracker

With this tracker you can:
  • see the path of Team Nokia, Team Hi-Tec, Team The North Face, and Team AdventureSeek
  • watch each day when new data is loaded to see the new path the teams have made
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