Industry News

Dynastar Expands International Team Program
Dynastar to unveil athlete driven marketing program at Chamonix celebration
Wednesday, May 8, 2002

Williston, VT--In response to the outstanding performances turned in by its international team of athletes, Dynastar will be expanding the role of its athletes in its 2002-03 marketing efforts. The move is the result of inspiring performances by Dynastar athletes across virtually every discipline in alpine skiing, including Olympic Gold Medals in Super G and Slalom for Daniela Ceccarelli and Jean Pierre Vidal, Guerlain Chicherit's World Championship in Free Skiing, Phil Larose's silver medal in X Games Halfpipe, Dave Crighton's double podium performance in X Games and the US Open, Jeremy Bloom's World Cup title in freestyle moguls, and Jeremy Nobis' awesome big mountain exploits. In addition to these amazing feats, Tommy Moe brought the first Liberty Cup in nine years back to the USA after winning the final professional race of the season at Beaver Creek at the Jeep King of the Mountain Series.

Chicherit's World Free Skiing Title, won at Thompson Pass, AK, April 17, is the most recent in the amazing string of Dynastar results. Skiing three strong runs and the most aggressive lines of the competition, the Frenchman claimed his second world title, the first coming in 1999. Chicherit's victory places him at the top of the free ride world as the only active athlete with two world titles. "Guerlain Chicherit put on a skiing show during the 2002 WFSC that was both stylish and bold," said Michel Beaudry, head judge at the WFSC. "A skier with an incredible ability for finding lines where others see only rocks, the 23-year old from Tignes displayed a new-found maturity during the four-run contest that played a huge role in his eventual victory."

Dynastar will capitalize on the impressive competition results by showcasing the athletes and their accomplishments in its marketing program. The Dynastar International Team will combine athletes from across all Alpine skiing disciplines: racing, big mountain free skiing, new school, skier cross, and freestyle moguls. "In building our reputation as a leading ski specialist, it is vital for us to tie our brand to the athletes that guide our product development and prove our technology through competition," says Dynastar's Charlie Adams. "Our goal is to excel in every aspect of high-performance skiing, and our results, won across so many disciplines, confirm that our technology is delivering on that promise."

Specific plans for the International Team include on-going product development and testing, broad exposure in ski films and videos, use of athlete images and endorsements in advertising and promotional materials, signature pro model skis like the Jeremy Nobis Inspired, and personal appearances at media events, consumer shows and retail promotions. The new international team program will be launched next month at the Dynastar Free Ride Days in Chamonix, May 11-12. Among the highlights of the event will be a Big Air competition, Skier and Boarder Cross events, and Free Ride sessions featuring skiers from every discipline. Nighttime activities include Polynesian parties, body painting, and jamming to Arno Adam's funk reggae band at the Arbatt Café in Chamonix.

Posted by Ari Cheren, Staff