Traveling for work has its perks and downfalls (not much sleep, crazy eating schedule). For me, I enjoy getting to explore new places and I especially enjoy getting out for a trail run with a friend local to the area. My only problem is that I am a last minute planner. That is, I tend to arrive in town and realize, "oh! so-and-so lives here, maybe we can go for a run." It is hard to do this to anyone so last minute, but in this most recent trip to Philly, Montrail/Nathan Teammate Barry Lewis more than rose to the occasion. Not only did he get me out for an amazing trail run on Thursday morning, I also got to enjoy his spin class the night before. Only my 3rd spin class to date, but I love the work out and he is a great instructor; super motivating!

Barry's friends Drew and Pete joined us for the 2 hour loop Thursday morning in the
Wissahickon Valley. It was such a treat to get out on trail for a couple of hours, to get to know Barry a bit and a little more about Philly. The trail system is really close to the city and one could easily get a 20+ mile run in without having to loop over the same trails too often. Great dirt, some rocky sections and rolling hills (nothing too sustained for climbing). Thanks again guys!