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Alpine Ascents International  Millennium Aconcagua Climb

$100 Reward
Thursday, January 6, 2000

Hear Vern's Call from Aconcagua
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Buenos noches all you Mountain Zoners! This is Vernon Tejas checking in from down in Argentina. Of course, as you know, we have climbed Mount Aconcagua and we're on our way back to civilization, hoping that it is still intact after the millennium. We've come down the Vacas Valley today and we finally met our doom at the big fjord. And fortunately, at the big fjord, there was a big horse, so we didn't have to actually swim it. We paid a caballero to take us across on horseback. Boy, that was a great deal.

But the big excitement for the evening was, right after we crossed the fjord, where Lahn had been taking pictures with his fabulous camera, we kind of misplaced that thing. And we got into camp and were sitting around talking about all the wonderful photos we'd develop, and guess what? Lahn's camera was AWOL. So, we sent a search party out. We put the gears in motion and everything started happening so quick that no one could really take place of what was really happening. The word went out. The camera was lost — a $100 reward was posted. All the climbing parties in the area were notified, well, except some of the French ones, which it turned out had found it when they were down bathing down at the river — where Lahn had left the camera, of course. So, with a little persuasion and international diplomacy, we recovered the camera. And hopefully I'll get a few photos out of the deal.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that this is one of our final transmissions and [Unintelligible] wants to say good-bye to everybody. So, ciao for now from Argentina.

Vernon Tejas, Correspondent


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