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100,000 Flamingoes
Safari - Thursday, July 18, 2002


Climbing Kilimanjaro 2002 Photo
Historical Gallery
Hi Mountain Zone, this is Todd. This is my last cybercast. We had two great days, one day in Tarangire and one day in Ngorongoro and Lake Manyara.

We saw lots of elephants and a variety of animals: hippos and rhinoceros. Today we were in Ngorongoro Crater where we hiked the crater rim at 9,000 feet and descend into the crater which is about 20 miles across and saw about every animal that possibly could be in the world, large herds of wildebeests and zebras and hyenas. We saw a whole bunch of flamingoes in this lake and they were amazing; there was maybe 100,000 of them and they were making so much racket you could barely hear; running up and down the beach chattering away and that was real interesting. And several lions, a couple lions crawled under one of the cars.

"...we saw a pride of about 12 lions just waking up, I think, getting ready to go hunting so we'll see if they catch anything..."
Now, Ruth and I are in the Serengeti and everybody went back with Allen [Carbert, guide] to Arusha where they will spend the night and head to Nairobi tomorrow. Ruth and I will spend the next two days in the Serengeti. Just on the way into our hotel we saw a pride of about 12 lions just waking up, I think, getting ready to go hunting so we'll see if they catch anything tonight.

Anyway that's it for us and that will be our last cybercast. Hope you guys are well, talk to you soon, bye.

Todd Burleson, Alpine Ascents International Guide and Correspondent