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Ski Fanatic

Let Them Ski Cake
Fanatic Skis into His 50th
28 SEP 2000

On a starlit night in Tucson, Arizona, Dr. Ed Lovejoy, psychologist and renowned ski fanatic, successfully skied off his home-built ramp into his 50th birthday cake, complete with 50 burning candles. Dr. Lovejoy, attired in his cosmic ski outfit, was also treated to an Olympic torch ceremony, a flaming circle of fire and pyrotechnics.

The run was a success and nobody was hurt. The celebration culminated with cigar and champagne. Dr. Lovejoy dove back into the cake after dismounting from his old Elan rock skis. Witnesses were present. that point, one of his friends asked what he planned to do on his 50th birthday, and he impulsively stated, "I'll ski into my birthday cake"....

Before making the run, Dr. Lovejoy explained to the onlookers that a year ago, at his 49th birthday party at a local restaurant with a small group of friends, as per his usual custom, he had reached his bare hand into the center of his birthday cake for the first piece.

At this point, one of his friends asked what he planned to do on his 50th birthday, and he impulsively stated, "I'll ski into my birthday cake."

When several onlookers at the event commented that the ski ramp was not sufficiently impressive, Dr. Lovejoy suggested that any ski skeptic was invited to take a run for themselves. No one took the offer.

Dr. Lovejoy also announced that he has successfully completed his seven-year plan to ski as many days as he is old (from the age of 44 to the age of 50), all from his base camp in Tucson, Arizona. If that doesn't qualify him as a certified ski fanatic, it is unclear as to what else would be needed.

Susan Lovejoy, Correspondent


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